Show Plot

Show Plot

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Competitive Corn Test Plot South of Wheaton

2013 GCAA Competitive Corn Test Plot - Tom Conroy
This plot is found 4 miles south of Wheaton on a prime spot for 2013! Yields were excellent.  Plot was 30” rows and was 585’ long. #1-3 & #12 were 10’ shorter, #4 was 20’ shorter, and #17 was 35’ shorter. Harvested on 10/23/13. Planted on 5/9/13. Reported at 15% moisture. The results:
Dairyland D5989ra     - 89day – 1450# - 20.9% - 52.9#tw – 182.5 bu/a
Mycogen 2J340           - 92day – 1595# - 19.7% - 55.0#tw – 203.8 bu/a
Wensman W7110vt3 – 90day – 1610# - 21.1% - 53.1#tw – 202.2 bu/a
Axis 40G81vt3P           - 90day -  1480# - 19.8% - 54.4#tw – 192.3 bu/a
Dairyland DS9590RA  - 90day -  1495# - 20.0% - 53.1#tw – 187.1 bu/a
Mycogen 2D355          - 92day -  1370# - 19.2% - 54.1#tw – 173.2 bu/a
Pioneer P9366yhr       - 93day -  1590# - 21.1% - 54.4#tw – 196.2 bu/a
NuTech 5X-894            - 94day -  1625# - 20.2% - 53.2#tw – 202.9 bu/a
Hyland 8454ra             - 94day -  1545# - 21.9% - 52.9#tw – 188.8 bu/a
Axis 44B91ssx              - 94day -  1680# - 22.6% - 52.7#tw – 203.4 bu/a 
Seeds2000 9503vt2P – 95day – 1540# - 20.9% - 52.9#tw – 190.6 bu/a
Hyland 8395                - 94day -   1565# - 20.3% - 54.1#tw – 198.5 bu/a
Pioneer P9675amx     - 95day -   1625# - 20.8% - 55.2#tw – 201.3 bu/a
Axis 45T62vt3P           - 95day -   1785# - 22.1% - 52.9#tw – 217.5 bu/a   **(1)**
Wensman W7268vt3 – 96day -  1650# - 22.3% - 52.0#tw – 200.6 bu/a
Seeds2000 9504vt3    - 96day – 1625# - 20.9% - 53.7#tw – 201.1 bu/a
Pioneer P9526yhr       - 95day -  1545# - 21.4% - 54.3#tw – 202.1 bu/a
NuTech 5X-698            - 98day – 1710# - 22.6% - 53.6#tw – 207.0 bu/a  **(3)**
Dairyland 9898ra        - 98day -  1705# - 25.4% - 52.9#tw – 199.0 bu/a
Mycogen 2H456         - 98day -  1675# - 24.7% - 53.7#tw -  197.3 bu/a
Pioneer P9917amx    - 99day  -  1765# - 23.2% - 55.2#tw -  212.1 bu/a   **(2)** 
NuTech 5X-399          - 99day  -  1640# - 25.1% - 52.9#tw -  192.2 bu/a
Mycogen 2Y479        - 98day  -   1670# - 25.9% - 51.9#tw -  193.6 bu/a
Axis 50V55                - 100day -  1720# -  24.5% - 54.2#tw -  203.1 bu/a
Dairyland 9501ra     - 101day -  1670# - 24.6% - 52.7#tw -  197.0 bu/a
Stine R9311vt3P – 54.9#tw – 1620# - 21.0% - 200.2 bu/a
Stine R9422vt3P – 54.2#tw – 1585# - 21.1% - 195.6 bu/a

GCAA Plot on Grant/Traverse Line

2013 Grant County Ag  Association Corn Test Plot 
This plot was planted along Hwy 27 at the Grant/Traverse County Line. It was exposed to way too much water, then way too much drought. I threw out three hybrids as their was a strip in field not hybrid related. This plot was "Survival of the Fittest!". Plot was 30” rows and was 480’ long.  Harvested on 11/2/13. Planted on 5/17/13. Reported at 15% moisture. The results:
Dairyland D5989ra     - 89day – 770# - 18.0% - 54.3#tw – 120.4 bu/a
Mycogen 2J340           - 92day – 790# - 18.2% - 54.7#tw – 123.2 bu/a
Wensman W7110vt3 – 90day – 790# - 18.6% - 53.3#tw – 122.6 bu/a
Axis 40G81vt3P           - 90day -  740# - 17.5% - 52.0#tw – 116.4 bu/a
Dairyland DS9590RA  - 90day -  740# - 17.8% - 52.6#tw – 115.9 bu/a
Mycogen 2D355          - 92day -  770# - 17.9% - 53.9#tw – 120.5 bu/a
Pioneer P9366yhr       - 93day -  785# - 18.3% - 54.4#tw – 122.3 bu/a
NuTech 5X-894            - 94day -  905# - 18.6% - 53.9#tw – 140.5 bu/a   **(5)**
Hyland 8454ra             - 94day -  800# - 19.9% - 53.2#tw – 122.2 bu/a
Axis 44B91ssx              - 94day -  985# - 21.2% - 53.7#tw – 148.0 bu/a   **(2)**
Gold Country 95-33    - 94day – 875# - 19.0% - 55.2#tw – 135.1 bu/a
Seeds2000 9503vt2P – 95day – 950# - 18.3% - 54.2#tw – 147.9 bu/a   **(2)**
Hyland 8395                - 94day -   815# - 18.3% - 54.7#tw – 126.9 bu/a
Pioneer P9675amx     - 95day -   910# - 18.1% - 55.0#tw – 141.2 bu/a   **(4)**
Axis 45T62vt3P           - 95day -   870# - 19.1% - 54.7#tw – 134.2 bu/a
Wensman W7268vt3 – 96day -  835# - 18.9% - 52.9#tw – 129.1 bu/a
Dairyland 9898ra        - 98day -  925# - 23.5% - 52.7#tw – 134.9 bu/a
Mycogen 2H456         - 98day -  980# - 19.0% - 55.4#tw – 151.3 bu/a       **(1)**
Pioneer P9917amx    - 99day  -  930# - 19.4% - 55.4#tw – 142.0 bu/a     **(3)**
NuTech 5X-399          - 99day  -  740# - 20.0% - 53.2#tw – 112.9 bu/a
Mycogen 2Y479        - 98day  -   780# - 21.5% - 51.3#tw – 116.7 bu/a
Axis 50V55                - 100day -  745# - 18.6% - 54.6#tw – 115.6 bu/a
Dairyland 9501ra     - 101day -  820# - 21.0% - 53.1#tw – 123.5 bu/a

Monday, November 4, 2013

Anderson Corn Test Plot North of Wheaton

This plot is found 5-6 miles north of Wheaton along Hwy 75. Planted quite late, May 16th, 2013 and harvested on October 26th. We left the late maturity hybrids in the plot to maybe give us a better idea on what maturity to plant if planting gets delayed again. The results:

Pioneer P8906hr      146.1 bu/a    54.6#    17.3%
Pioneer P8954am1  154.7 bu/a    55.2#    18.0%
Pioneer P9284yhr    169.1 bu/a    54.0#    21.0%
Pioneer P9305yhr    177.3 bu/a    54.2#    20.3%
Dekalb DKC43-48   182.2 bu/a    52.7#    19.1%
Pioneer P9366xr      182.3 bu/a     53.0#    21.3%
Pioneer P9526amx   181.0 bu/a    54.6#    21.6%
Pioneer P9675amx   177.4 bu/a    53.9#    20.5%
Deklab DKC46-20   179.4 bu/a    54.2#    19.1%
Pioneer P9630amx   164.3 bu/a    52.9#    21.7%
Pioneer P9834hr       188.5 bu/a    51.8#    24.8%
Pioneer P9917amx    184.4 bu/a   53.6#    23.2%
Pioneer P9917amx    182.7 bu/a   54.2#    23.0%
Dekalb DKC49-29    180.5 bu/a   53.0#    24.6%
Pioneer P0062amx    185.2 bu/a   50.4#    26.1%
Pioneer P0193am1    186.9 bu/a   50.6#    25.4%
Pioneer 36V51          177.6 bu/a    52.2#   22.6%
Pioneer P0297xr       168.3 bu/a    52.5#   24.8%
Pioneer P0533am1    158.1 bu/a   52.6#    27.1%

The plot yield was actually pretty consistant from the P9305 (93 day) up to 100 day even planted on May 16th but the quality and moisture started going bad at about 98 day.  Very good yields though for north of Wheaton where they just had too much stress this year.

Yost Corn Test Plot North of Wheaton

This plot was planted on May 10th of 2013 and harvested on October 25th. 30" rows. Field received substantial hail late so yields weren't expected to be great. The plot also had a plot with different starter fertilizers right next to it that will reported in a different blog. The results:

Pioneer P9284yhr     127.1 bu/a     55.0#     18.2%
Pioneer P9305yhr     135.7 bu/a     54.3#     17.7%
Dekalb DKC 43-48   133.4 bu/a     54.4#     17.7%
Pioneer P9366xr       133.5 bu/a     53.9#     18.1%
Pioneer P9526 amx   134.6 bu/a     55.7#     18.4%
Pioneer P9675amx    143.8 bu/a     55.3#     18.0%
DekalB dkc46-20      145.1 bu/a     55.4#     18.1%
Pioneer P9630amx    155.4 bu/a     55.4#     18.1%
Pioneer P9834hr        152.7 bu/a     54.0#     20.7%
Pioneer P9917amx     158.4 bu/a    55.9#     20.5% **********
Dekalb DKC49-29     145.1 bu/a    54.4#     20.3%
Pioneer P0062amx     156.9 bu/a    51.9#     19.7%
Pioneer P0193am1     156.8 bu/a    52.2#     21.3%
Pioneer 36V51           158.9 bu/a    53.3#     20.6%
Pioneer P0297xr         162.9 bu/a    54.2#     20.9%
Pioneer P0533            172.3 bu/a    55.4#     22.1% **********
Pioneer P9675amx     147.9 bu/a    54.7#     19.2%

This is one of the few plots this year where the 100day+ hybrids outyielded the earlier hybrids. Don't know why. Note the last hybrid though. P9675 is a 95-96 day corn and was originally put in at the end of the plot to show sidexside just how much yield gain can be acrrued by maxing out your hybrid maturity. P0533 is  a 105day hybrid and even on a year such as this one where we didn't get an over supply of growing degree units, it outyielded the 96 day by 25 bu/a with only 3 points more of moisture. Keep in mind this was planted on May 10th also, not early-planted at all.

"Heads Up" Corn Plot SE of Dumont near Johnson

This plot is located in a very high yield area for this year Planted early and didn't receive alot of stresses this year. The results:

Pioneer P9675amx      -  196.9 bu/a     55.0#      19.9%
Dekalb DKC46-20 rib -  195.2 bu/a     56.2#      20.4%
Pioneer P9917amx      -  192.6 bu/a     56.8#      20.3%
NK N29-3000gt          -  177.5 bu/a     50.9#      19.6%
Dekalb DKC50-66      -  195.9 bu/a     52.9#      20.5%
Pioneer P0062amx      -  186.6 bu/a     51.1#      21.0%

There's not really a winner here, 4 hybrids in the 190-195 bu/a range. There was definitely a tail-ender here though. The N29 was 15-18 bu/a off and looks like it was mainly from lack of test weight.

"Heads Up!" Corn Plot East of Wheaton

This plot was located 4 miles east of Wheaton and was planted on May 11, 2013 and harvested on October 24th. This area got alot of abuse from the weather also but not as dry as some. The results:

Pioneer P9526yhr       -  137.7 bu/a     54.2#     21.4%
Dekalb DKC43-48     -  154.6 bu/a      54.3#     21.1%
Pioneer  P9675amx    -  159.2 bu/a      55.4#     18.5%
Dekalb DKC46-20     -  172.7 bu/a      54.2#     19.1%
Pioneer P9917amx     -  175.7 bu/a      57.1#     19.2% **********
Pioneer P0062amx     -  151.6 bu/a      55.5#     21.9%

It doesn't surprise anyone by now that P9917amx is the highest but what is surprising is that it had test weight over 57# in this plot. Probably the only time this year that anything has tested over 57#.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Heads Up! Corn Plot SW of Wheaton

This plot was beautiful at one time but lack of rain on a lighter-soil piece of soil changes things. Heavy drought pressure would make you think that the AquaMax corn would do well. The results:

Pioneer P0062amx      - 147.5 bu/a     20.3%     48.8# - Aquamax
Dekalb DKC49-29rib  - 132.7 bu/a     18.8%     49.9#
Pioneer P9917amx      - 149.9 bu/a      18.1%     53.6# **********
Pioneer P9675amx      - 132.1 bu/a      17.1%     52.1#
Dekalb DKC46-20rib  - 139.0 bu/a      17.3%     53.7#
Pioneer P9526yhr        - 142.0 bu/a      16.9%     52.5# - AquaMax

The end result was that the 2 AquaMax and P9917amx(with a real high drought score) did show up to be the highest in the plot. The 2 - 100day hybrids didn't make maturity either as they died early as evidenced by the extremely low test weight.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Heads Up! Corn Plot along Johnson Tar

This plot was found along the Johnson tar between Herman and Wheaton. Good plot location and like alot of fields, went under moisture stress. The results:

Dekalb DKC43-27     151.6 bu/a     15.5% - had 5 gal/a 6-24-6 starter fert + 5oz/a Ascend
Pioneer P9675amx     135.9 bu/a     17.5%
Dekalb DKC46-20     146.2 bu/a     18.5%
Pioneer P9917amx     142.3 bu/a     19.0%
Dekalb DKC48-12     140.2 bu/a     18.5%
Pioneer P0062amx     140.6 bu/a     20.0% - was broke over
Dekalb DKC49-29     143.3 bu/a     20.5%
Dekalb DKC43-27     153.7 bu/a     16.0% - had 5 gal/a 6-24-6 starter fert + 5oz/a Ascend

The yields were pretty much the same except for the starter fert/Ascend-apllied strips. They were 10-12 bu/a better and 2-4% dryer. Pioneer didn't win this plot and P9917 did not stick out as in other plots. Proof that we show you all the data, not just the cherry-picked data. No one company or hybrid wins everything.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Competitive Corn Plot SW of Wheaton

This plot was on ground that received almost no rain in August or September. Was harvested on 10/10/13. The corn definitely died early. The results:

Dekalb 50-66 -              156.1 bu/a     17.6%     51.9#
Dekalb 43-48 -              165.6 bu/a     16.6%     54.0#
Pioneer P9366xr -         139.7 bu/a     16.6%     53.7#
Channel 195-58stxrib - 163.5 bu/a     17.3%     51.2#
Dekalb 50-66 -              148.8 bu/a     17.9%     52.0#
Pioneer P9526amx -      161.3 bu/a     18.1%     54.2#
Channel 196-77stxrib -  150.2 bu/a     17.7%     54.3#
Dekalb 46-20rib -          156.8 bu/a     18.4%     54.2#
Channel 196-06stxrib -  149.5 bu/a     17.9%     53.5#
Channel 197-68stxrib -  160.8 bu/a     19.4%     52.5#
Dekalb 50-66vt3 -          158.1 bu/a     15.3%     53.3#
Dekalb 48-12rib -           166.3 bu/a     18.5%     52.6#
Pioneer P9917amx -       167.1 bu/a     18.5%     55.0# **********
Dekalb 49-29rib -           153.4 bu/a     19.0%     53.6#
Dekalb 50-83rib -           165.3 bu/a     19.0%     54.3#
Dekalb 50-66vt3 -          150.1 bu/a     17.6%     53.3#
Pioneer P0062amx -       132.6 bu/a     20.4%     51.1#
Pioneer P0193am1 -       134.2 bu/a     20.3%     50.9#

Pioneer P9917 (in blue) was the top yielder in the plot but there were 6 others (in red) that made over 160 bu/a. As in the other plots, the 100 day hybrids and higher showed a lot more negative effects from the drought as compared to the earlier hybrids.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Jorschumb Corn Plot by Wheaton

On 10/10/13 we harvested the corn plot located just 1 mile east of Wheaton. The results were alittle better than our warehouse plot. The results:
100 day Hybrids+:
Pioneer P0297xr -      149.3 bu/a     25.1%     52.0#
Pioneer 36V51 -         156.1 bu/a     23.1%     53.1#
Pioneer P0193am1 -   142.5 bu/a     25.5%     51.6#
Pioneer P0062amx -   146.8 bu/a     22.5%     49.2#
97-99 day Hybrids:
Dekalb DKC49-29 -   157.5 bu/a     21.4%     52.9#
Pioneer P9917amx -   173.7 bu/a     20.9%     54.4# **********
Pioneer P9834hr -       150.5 bu/a     22.8%     50.9#
94-96 day Hybrids:
Pioneer P9630amx -    151.9 bu/a     19.8%     52.5#
Dekalb DKC46-20 -    150.8 bu/a     18.4%     52.6#
Pioneer P9675amx -    146.0 bu/a     18.2%     54.4#
Pioneer P9526amx -    149.2 bu/a     18.5%     54.7#
93 day and under Hybrids:
Pioneer P9366xr -        135.2 bu/a     17.9%     53.3#
Dekalb DKC43-48 -     136.2 bu/a     17.8%     50.9#
Pioneer P9305yhr -       138.7 bu/a     17.2%     52.3#
Pioneer P9284yhr -       126.7 bu/a     17.6%     53.9#
Pioneer P8954am1 -      127.9 bu/a     15.8%     52.9#

We again learned mainly one thing, that is that P9917amx is dominant! It is really the only hybrid that stuck out in the plot. P9917 was 15 bu/a better than the next closest hybrid and is 20 bu/a better than most.

Warehouse Show Plot Results - Corn

On 10/10/13 we harvested the corn show plot across the road from the warehouse. I can't say we learned a lot as this plot got burned up by lack of rain. At one time it was an outstanding plot but you just need more rain than what we got to get great yields. The results:
100 day+ Hybrids:
Pioneer P0533am1 -     153.4 bu/a     19.8%     51.9#
Pioneer 0297xr -           138.8 bu/a     19.8%     52.7#
Pioneer 36V51 -            142.9 bu/a     19.8%     51.9#
Pioneer P0193am -       137.2 bu/a     20.5%     51.7#
Pioneer P0062amx -      137.3 bu/a     19.8%    51.2#
97-99 day Hybrids:
Dekalb DKC49-29 -      132.3 bu/a     19.0%    53.2#
Pioneer P9917amx -      162.7 bu/a     18.2%    52.9# **********
Pioneer P9834hr -          146.1 bu/a     18.9%    51.3#
94-96 day Hybrids:
Pioneer P9630amx -      126.7 bu/a      16.9%    51.6#
Dekalb DKC46-20 -      149.3 bu/a      16.9%    52.9#
Pioneer P9675amx -      134.9 bu/a      16.0%    52.9#
Pioneer P9526amx -      128.9 bu/a      15.5%    52.9#
92-93 day Hybrids:
Pioneer P9366xr -          122.7 bu/a      15.0%    51.6#
Dekalb DKC43-48 -       125.5 bu/a      14.8%    51.9#
Pioneer P9305yhr -         117.6 bu/a      14.7%    52.8#

We did learn one thing, only one hybrid rose above the drought and heat and showed itself as the clear winner. That was P9917amx which was 10 bu/a better than any other hybrid and 25 bu/a better than most. P9917 has a very high drought tolerance score and it showed.

Low soybean yields?

An earlier entry in this blog this fall, I talked about Charcoal Rot and how it might be affecting yield without us knowing it. There could be another reason for lower-than-expected yields in soybean fields and that would be chemical damage from late applications of herbicide for waterhemp control. I had the opportunity to weigh a comparison of beans that were sprayed late with a contact-type herbicide for waterhemp control vs. non-sprayed beans. The results:
Non-sprayed soybeans - 58.83 bu/a
Sprayed soybeans        - 40.10 bu/a

I don't think you will see that kind of yield loss of 18 bu/a everywhere and maybe no yield loss at all but if you have a bean field that just doesn't yield up, it might not be the variety, it might not be charcoal rot, it might be late-herbicide applications.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Yost - Sorenson Soybean Plot

This plot was right next to our seed-treatment plot listed earlier. It did receive hail over the whole plot at about 15%. The results:

Pioneer P05T24r    -  46.5 bu/a  -  11.2%
Pioneer 90Y70       -  36.9 bu/a  -  11.3%
Pioneer 90M80      -  38.7 bu/a  -  10.7%
Pioneer 90Y81       -  42.7 bu/a  -  10.7%
Pioneer P10T91r    -  43.3 bu/a  -  11.2%
Pioneer 91Y10       -  40.8 bu/a  -  11.4%
Pioneer 91Y30       -  41.5 bu/a  -  11.6%
AsGrow 1431        -  40.8 bu/a  -  13.2%
Pioneer 91Y41       -  42.8 bu/a  -  12.2%
Pioneer P16T04r    -  57.8 bu/a  -  12.4%
Pioneer 91Y70       -  39.4 bu/a  -  14.4%
Pioneer 91Y81       -  41.2 bu/a  -  14.0%
Pioneer P19T60r    -  53.9 bu/a  -  12.2%

The hail seemed to even out the plot alot but two varieties really stuck out and I mean really stuck out! Both P19T60r and P16T04r's were 10 bu/a better than everything but they also had the cleanest samples. Our combine driver doesn't usually notice much visual differences between varieties but in this plot he could pick them out easily from the combine. One is a 1.6 maturity and the other is listed as a 1.9 maturity bean but both acted earlier in the plot. They were around 12.2-12.4% moisture.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Anderson Soybean Test Plot

This plot is 5-6 miles north of Wheaton along Hwy 75. Planted in 30" rows on June 4, harvested on October 2. This plot didn't have as much variability as some others. The results:

Pioneer 90Y41    - 50.0 bu/a
Pioneer P05T24r - 51.4 bu/a
Pioneer 90Y70    - 48.1 bu/a
Pioneer 90M80   - 51.5 bu/a
Pioneer 90Y81    - 47.4 bu/a
Pioneer P10T91r - 50.3 bu/a
Pioneer 91Y10    - 54.2 bu/a
Pioneer 91Y30    - 47.0 bu/a
AsGrow 1431      - 49.2 bu/a
Pioneer 91Y41     - 58.1 bu/a
Pioneer P16T04r  - 52.9 bu/a
Pioneer 91Y70     - 49.1 bu/a
Pioneer 91Y81     - 40.1 bu/a
Pioneer P19T60r  - 55.2 bu/a

  The results again show 91Y10 to be a major force in yield for this year. 91Y41 was high but hasn't been very consistent to put alot into that yield. It is quite fussy about where it gets planted. The P19T60 is obviously a very high yielding bean but it is a 1.9 bean that acted more like a 1.7 maturity bean for us so it obviously moves north out of it's zone well. It is for those who want a late bean. The P16T04r is a 1.6 maturity bean that didn't like our Warehouse plot but did very, very well in the next plots. We'll keep on eye on this one for you. Pioneer 91Y10 is the real winner here being a 1.1 maturity bean that can go on good and tougher ground both.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

First Corn Plot of 2013 - Norcross Area

This is the first competitive corn plot results I've seen so far. It is from the Norcross area and was harvested on October 1. The results:

Pioneer 36V51           -  20.5%  - 53.1#  -  182.4 bu/a
Pioneer P9917amx     -  21.2%  - 56.3#  -  178.8 bu/a
Dekalb DKC49-29rib -  21.0%  - 55.6#  -  168.0 bu/a
Pioneer P0062amx     -  20.8%  -  53.9#  -  170.1 bu/a
Dekalb DKC46-20     -  19.2%  -  55.0#  -  152.6 bu/a
Pioneer P9526amx     -  19.0%  -  56.6#  -  169.6 bu/a
Wensman 7268vt3p   -  19.6%  -  54.3#  -  152.7 bu/a
Dekalb DKC43-10     -  17.8%  -  55.9#  -  169.7 bu/a
Pioneer P9305am       -  19.5%  -  55.5#  -  162.7 bu/a
Dekalb DKC43-48rib -  17.7%  -  55.7#  -  147.4 bu/a
Dekalb DKC43-30      -  16.9%  -  57.3#  -  165.6 bu/a

This is a drier field environment but it looks like P9917 is starting here where it ended last year, right on top. 36V51 and P0062 did well also. Pioneer P9526amx is a new 95 day that we will have to watch this year. It is an early 95 day and seemed to handle the dry weather quite well. P9305am is a new 93 day that did well also. A good start for Pioneer, it looks like the excellent drought-tolerance scores we enjoy are paying off.

Jorschumb Soybean Test Plot

This plot was located just east of Wheaton on the Norcross tar. There are a couple things to learn from this plot and I'll talk about them after the results. The results are:
Pioneer 90Y41    - 50.7 bu/a
Pioneer P05T24r - 46.2 bu/a
Pioneer 90Y70    - 48.9 bu/a
Pioneer 90M80    - 42.3 bu/a
Pioneer 90Y81     - 47.6 bu/a
Pioneer P10T91r  - 53.2 bu/a
Pioneer 91Y10     - 53.7 bu/a
Pioneer 91Y30     - 49.1 bu/a
AsGrow AG1431 - 44.4 bu/a
Pioneer 91Y41     - 43.6 bu/a
Pioneer P16T04r  - 55.0 bu/a
Pioneer 91Y70     - 43.0 bu/a
Pioneer P19T60r  - 60.6 bu/a

   Colored in blue are the top 4 varieties in the plot. Three of them are brand new and the results are outstanding. The other variety, 91Y10, is also new. What sets the 91Y10 apart however is that it is the only one of the top four not seed-treated. That is a major plus for that variety in this plot.
   Colored in red are 4 varieties that didn't do so well in this plot but all showed signs of a disease called charcoal root rot. I didn't know alot about this disease but luckily our account manager Jim Kokett was observing the plot harvest and he did. Charcoal Rot is showing up quite often this year and is most prevalent in years with a cool wet rainy period early in the growing season, followed by a hot, dry late summer. Sound familiar? The most obvious symptom is leaves hanging on the bean stalks at harvest time. If you take those plants and split them at ground level, you'll find grayish-black spotting in the phloem tissues of the stalk. Varieties will differ on how they handle charcoal rot and the varieties marked in red exhibited reduced yields because of it. If you find that you have a field of beans that exhibited the symptoms of leaves hanging on the stalk as well as less than expected yields, let me know as I'd like to check to see if Charcoal Rot is the problem. Google up Charcoal Rot if you'd like to see what it looks like.

Soybean Seed Treatment Plot

This plot was north of Wheaton and although the majority of growers use a seed treatment on their seed beans, it's always good to keep checking on the value of it. The variety of beans is Pioneer 90M80 and were planted in 30" rows. All of the treatments used a base of Apronmaxx for fungicide but we changed the added adjuvant each time. This whole plot did receive hail damage also.

Fung. + WC117  -    36.4 bu/a
Fung. + WC150  -    44.8 bu/a
Fung. + Generate  -  37.4 bu/a
Fung. + BioBoost  - 40.6 bu/a (our regular treatment at South Valley Seed)
Untreated Check   -  35.7 bu/a
Fung. + Marathon -  42.4 bu/a
Fung. + WC35      -  41.6 bu/a
Fung. + WC115    -  39.9 bu/a

As you see, all of the treatments were greater than the untreated with WC117 and Generate being the two treatments that didn't show much of a response. Our in-house treatment plots over the past 5 years have shown around 80% of the comparisons between non-seed treated beans vs. seed treated beans were worth the investment. This year looks no different.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Fall 2013 Warehouse Show Plot

Our first plot results for the year 2013 are in as we were able to harvest our soybean test plot across from the warehouse. The results were definitely higher than I expected as I was figuring that the plot would run from 35-45 bu/a. This plot weighing was witnessed by Ray Ehlers.
The Results:
Pioneer 90Y41       .4 maturity    47.9 b/a
Pioneer P05T24R   .5 maturity    43.3 b/a
Pioneer 90Y70        .7 maturity    50.4 b/a
Pioneer 90M80       .8 maturity    53.1 b/a
Pioneer 90Y81        .8 maturity    57.2 b/a
Pioneer P10T91R  1.0 maturity    54.1 b/a - Brand New!
Pioneer 91Y10       1.1 maturity   50.4 b/a - Newer! For tougher ground.
Pioneer 91Y30       1.3 maturity   52.7 b/a - A non-SCN variety
AsGrow 1431         1.4 maturity   53.1 b/a
Pioneer 91Y41       1.4 maturity    46.6 b/a
Pioneer P16T04R   1.6 maturity    44.3 b/a
Pioneer 91Y70        1.7 maturity   44.7 b/a
Pioneer 91Y81        1.8 maturity   48.8 b/a
Pioneer P19T60R    1.9 maturity   52.8 b/a (originally I thought that it might have benefited from being close to corn but based on further weighings, it's probably a legitimate yield)

On our plot day I expected that the real yield action would be in the 1.0 maturity range but I didn't expect it to be in the 50 b/a range! 90Y81 was the easy winner and it was one of the untreated varieties in the plot. Our new P10T91R was second. 91Y10 was a couple bushel off the top but it did well considering it was a poor seed sample with low germ when we planted. Moistures were from 10.5% - 12.5%. Note that the 1.4 beans and greater did suffer from the drought but did not benefit from the late rain we had. Also note that 90M80 showed very well as always.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A New Year - 2013

Another harvest season has snuck up on us and unfortunately it probably won't be able to hold up well vs. 2012. Early reports on soybean yields are in the 30-39 bu/a range. Nothing special. The bean size so far is small and there just aren't enough pods on the top part of the bean plant to yield like last year.

For corn, my early theory was that corn will in general be light in test weight. I also looked at some ears of corn that were close to being black-layered and there just didn't seem to be much moisture there. Usually at black layer we can expect 33-35% moisture corn. It didn't seem like that would fit this year and I was expecting 27-29% moisture. Yesterday I found some corn that had black-layered over the weekend. I hand harvested a few ears and took test weight and moisture. I was right on the test weight as it weighed only 51.7#. The moisture was a surprise as it was only 23.2%! Add a point of moisture for going through a combine and it was still around 25%. It was a 93 day hybrid that was in a plot that is suffering alot of moisture stress but there will be others out there like it.

I have been in corn that will go 180bu/a and I have been in corn that will go half that. From field to field expect wide variances this fall based on rotation, moistures stress, even drown out north of Wheaton. It won't be as fun as last year.