Show Plot

Show Plot

Friday, September 27, 2013

Fall 2013 Warehouse Show Plot

Our first plot results for the year 2013 are in as we were able to harvest our soybean test plot across from the warehouse. The results were definitely higher than I expected as I was figuring that the plot would run from 35-45 bu/a. This plot weighing was witnessed by Ray Ehlers.
The Results:
Pioneer 90Y41       .4 maturity    47.9 b/a
Pioneer P05T24R   .5 maturity    43.3 b/a
Pioneer 90Y70        .7 maturity    50.4 b/a
Pioneer 90M80       .8 maturity    53.1 b/a
Pioneer 90Y81        .8 maturity    57.2 b/a
Pioneer P10T91R  1.0 maturity    54.1 b/a - Brand New!
Pioneer 91Y10       1.1 maturity   50.4 b/a - Newer! For tougher ground.
Pioneer 91Y30       1.3 maturity   52.7 b/a - A non-SCN variety
AsGrow 1431         1.4 maturity   53.1 b/a
Pioneer 91Y41       1.4 maturity    46.6 b/a
Pioneer P16T04R   1.6 maturity    44.3 b/a
Pioneer 91Y70        1.7 maturity   44.7 b/a
Pioneer 91Y81        1.8 maturity   48.8 b/a
Pioneer P19T60R    1.9 maturity   52.8 b/a (originally I thought that it might have benefited from being close to corn but based on further weighings, it's probably a legitimate yield)

On our plot day I expected that the real yield action would be in the 1.0 maturity range but I didn't expect it to be in the 50 b/a range! 90Y81 was the easy winner and it was one of the untreated varieties in the plot. Our new P10T91R was second. 91Y10 was a couple bushel off the top but it did well considering it was a poor seed sample with low germ when we planted. Moistures were from 10.5% - 12.5%. Note that the 1.4 beans and greater did suffer from the drought but did not benefit from the late rain we had. Also note that 90M80 showed very well as always.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A New Year - 2013

Another harvest season has snuck up on us and unfortunately it probably won't be able to hold up well vs. 2012. Early reports on soybean yields are in the 30-39 bu/a range. Nothing special. The bean size so far is small and there just aren't enough pods on the top part of the bean plant to yield like last year.

For corn, my early theory was that corn will in general be light in test weight. I also looked at some ears of corn that were close to being black-layered and there just didn't seem to be much moisture there. Usually at black layer we can expect 33-35% moisture corn. It didn't seem like that would fit this year and I was expecting 27-29% moisture. Yesterday I found some corn that had black-layered over the weekend. I hand harvested a few ears and took test weight and moisture. I was right on the test weight as it weighed only 51.7#. The moisture was a surprise as it was only 23.2%! Add a point of moisture for going through a combine and it was still around 25%. It was a 93 day hybrid that was in a plot that is suffering alot of moisture stress but there will be others out there like it.

I have been in corn that will go 180bu/a and I have been in corn that will go half that. From field to field expect wide variances this fall based on rotation, moistures stress, even drown out north of Wheaton. It won't be as fun as last year.